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    Arabic love charms


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    Arabic love charms Empty Arabic love charms

    Komentar by Jafo Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:59 am

    -It is done during the beginning of the month. Take at an incense burner when you are alone. Incense with blue mukul and conjure with the following names twenty-one times. It is this evocation:
    Faltayoosh x2
    Tootoosh x2
    Tahroosh x2
    Wahsh x2
    Halash x2
    Danhash x2
    Hurry x2, Quickly x2, This instant x2. Be charged O servants of these names with bringing N. to N.

    -On Thursday you write the following and burn it a brazier: „Sataf (x2), Barmatoof (x2), Ghatoof (x2), Bin 'Atoof (x2). Make N. fall in love with N. Such that she can neither eat nor sleep. Seize her and kindle a fire in her vagina that can only by extinguished by semen from the penis N.“ You wil see amazing things.

    -Write the following on a piece of white paper and carry it with you: „In the name of Allah, Most Merciful and Gracious. Hooqash (x2), Hooqish (x2), Khantarish (x2), Ashqamarish (x2), Atayoosh (x2). Be commissioned, O Mighty aide, O servant of the noble al-Fatihah, to cause N.to fall in love with N. Hurry (x2)! Quickly (x2)! This instant (x2)! God bless you.

    -Write the following on an unfired potsherd, though it is better to use an article of the target's clothing if available: „Rakif (x2), Barahiya (x2), Jalahitha (x2), Jamjamish (x2), Jamish (x2), Zajara (x2). By Him who opened your ears and eyes and created you from the fire of a scorching wind. Hasten before wrath in sent upon you, by Tarmoos, by the Power that al-Aziz having seen, he said: „I know that Allah has power over all things“, by the Power that He having sent to Mary, there appeared before her the likeness of a perfect man. Answer, O Shahir, and you, O Mashoor and Hasan and Muhsin and Aboo al-Wahim, and Maymoon, and be commissioned to make N. fall in love with N. by the right of Allah's power. Hurry (x2)! Quickly (x2)! This instant (x2)!
    Ignite the potsherd or clothing with oil and tar.

    - If you wish to attract someone, then do as follows: Boil an egg. Remove its shell. Write the following on the egg: „Whenever they kindle a fire for war' it is kindled in the heart of N.by the love of N.“ Cut the egg while saying the names of both the target and his/her mother. Feed one half of the egg a black dog and the other half to a black cat.

    -Write the following on three pieces of paper and burn one each night: „Tarash (x3), Tarayoosh (x3), Qayoosh (x3), Shaloosh (x3), Moosh (x3), Yarash (x3), Shalash (x3). Hurry, Quickly! This instant! Be commissioned, O spirits of these names, and make N. fall in love with N., by the right these names have over you“. The incense is the usual.

    -Write it and carry in with you as a charm. It is as follows: „Ashazanoosh, Kaqaytayoosh, Dabarawish, Qayoosh, Qanoosh, Shajkayoosh, Haboosh, Taqtaqoosh. Be commissioned, O servants of these names and attract the heart of N.to N. Hurry! Quickly! This instant! God bless you“.
    The incense is sandalwood, camphor, bdelium, and Indian aloes wood.

      Danas je Fri Sep 20, 2024 12:10 am