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    Kako se u ime Izraela ubijaju milioni ljudi


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    Kako se u ime Izraela ubijaju milioni ljudi Empty Kako se u ime Izraela ubijaju milioni ljudi

    Komentar by Vloger Sat Apr 08, 2023 5:22 pm

    Religija ljudima daje lažnu vrijednost koju zapravo ne posjeduju te si onda oni uzimaju za pravo da druge osuđuju, kritiziraju i napadaju. A zapravo time pokazuju svu svoju unutrašnju prazninu i intelektualnu ograničenost. Svaka religija je prepuna predrasuda te stalno i uporno ograničava ljudsko biće jer ima histeričan strah da će je intelektualno slobodan čovjek nadići i neće mu više biti potrebna. A to bi bio katastrofalan ishod za Papu, svećenike, ajatolahe, rabine i drugu elitu kao i sve one koji na religiji zarađuju veliki profit i novac.

    Religija je od svog početka bila izvor zla i u njeno ime pobijene su stotine miliona ljudi. A taj trend će se nastaviti i u budućnosti. Svi gledamo kako Jevreji decenijama ubijaju muslimane, muslimani i kršćani se međusobno ubijaju, hinduisti ubijaju muslimane, i ta spirala zla nikada ne mijenja svoj smjer niti prestaje. Tu zapravo dolazimo do odgovora da religija ne donosi mir i sreću čovječanstvu nego stalnu propast, mržnju, ubijanje i podjele. Kao da ju je neko nama nepoznat izmislio i instalirao među čovječanstvo kako ono nikad ne bi bilo složno i jedinstveno na svom putu. Bosanski Bogumili su Toru nazvali đavoljom knjigom, djelom Sotone, i bili su u pravu jer upravo od judaizma, preko kršćanstva do islama, posijalo se vječno sjeme zla.

    Danas kada cijeli svijet sa nevjericom  posmatra brutalnu vojnu agresiju terorističke zemlje Rusije na Ukrajinu teško je a ne upitati se u kakvom to svijetu živimo? Svako od nas se bar jednom zapitao kako je moguće da Rusija, kao najveća zemlja na svijetu, ima ikakvu potrebu da otima tuđe teritorije kad ionako 80 posto Rusije je pusto i nenaseljeno. Zar su Rusi doista nasljednici nacističke Njemačke? Naravno treba odmah naglasiti kako je za ovu vojnu agresiju na Ukrajinu dobrim djelom kriva Angela Merkel i ostali evropski političari koji su zbog svoje lične koristi tolerisali svaku glupost Vladimira Putina. Identičnu situaciju smo u prošlom stoljeću doživjeli sa Slobodanom Miloševićem. Sve je to najbolji dokaz da se niti jedan tiranin ne smije tolerisati niti zbog regionalnog uticaja, niti zbog nafte ili plina. Upravo zbog toga USA treba prestati štititi Saudijsku Arabiju koja čini stravične zločine u Jemenu, jer ko god štiti zločince i sam je zločinac. Također, treba da prestane štititi Izrael jer to je narod koji provodi etničko čišćenje i genocid nad Palestincima. Svi znamo da je majka svih vojnih sukoba u današnjem svijetu, nakon završetka Drugog svjetskog rata, umjetna tvorevina zvana Izrael kojoj je, uz dopuštenje EU i USA, dozvoljeno da decenijama izvršava etničko čišćenje i genocid nad palestinskim narodom.

    Svi diktatori svijeta kada vide da Izrael prolazi nekažnjeno za sva zla koja radi palestinskom narodu, a i drugim zemljama, postanu nadahnuti time i tada dolazi do novih ratova i ubijanja. Za primjerom Izraela poveo se i Vladimir Putin. Ubijat će, otimati tuđu teritoriju, glumiti žrtvu kada je to potrebno te isto tako glumiti pobjednika kada mu to odgovara. Sve je to copy-paste politika i način egzistiranja Izraela.  Zanimljivo je kako svi genocidi počinju istom retorikom a koja se zasniva na tome da narod koji planira počiniti etničko čišćenje i genocid onaj drugi, koji planira napasti, naziva raznim ružnim imenima te im oduzima pojam nacionalnosti: ne postoje kao narod. Idealni primjer su Bosna, Palestina a evo zadnji nekoliko godina to isto čujemo od strane Rusije koja ne priznaje Ukrajinu kao državu i Ukrajince kao narod. Identičnu retoriku današnja Srbija koristi za Crnu Goru i njen narod. To su doista užasne činjenice i stravična stvarnost.

    Iran, Rusija, Kina i druge arogantne zemlje stalno pozivaju na neki multipolarni svijet a zapravo nama kao čovječanstvu ne treba nikakav multipolarni svijet nego samo svijet gdje se poštuje suverenost svake države i naroda, gdje niko nema pravo da napada drugu zemlju ili njen narod. Svijet u kojem religija ne smije biti važnija od ljudskog života. Bolje je porušiti hiljade džamija, crkava i sinagoga nego ubiti jednog čovjeka. Kada to „vjernici“ shvate i puste u svoja srca ljubav a u um razum tada postoji šansa da Zemlja ne bude pakao nego raj. I za kraj, podržimo svi iranski narod, njihovu želju za slobodom. Podržimo svaku iransku ženu koja ne želi biti obučena kao japanski ninđa. Iranske žene su među najljepšim na Bliskom istoku i zaslužuju da cijelom svijetu pokažu svoju ljepotu ali i inteligenciju. Uvijek je bolja opcija da propadne islamska republika Iran nego da propadne iranski narod kao nacija. Bez imalo dvojbe uvijek treba staviti život i vrijednost ljudskog bića prije bilo koje religije jer čovjek mora biti na prvom mjestu. Jer da nema ljudi ne bi bilo ni religije. Sve polazi od čovjeka.

    Jafo, Arman and Sarajka like this post


    Broj komentara : 1586
    Join date : 2015-06-30

    Kako se u ime Izraela ubijaju milioni ljudi Empty Re: Kako se u ime Izraela ubijaju milioni ljudi

    Komentar by Jafo Fri Apr 14, 2023 5:31 pm

    How millions of people are killed in the name of Israel

    Religion gives people a false value that they don't really have, and then they take it upon themselves to judge, criticize and attack others. And in fact, they show all their inner emptiness and intellectual limitation. Every religion is full of prejudices and constantly and persistently limits the human being because it has a hysterical fear that an intellectually free man will surpass it and will no longer need it. And that would be a disastrous outcome for the Pope, priests, ayatollahs, rabbis, and other elite as well as all those who earn big profits and money from religion.

    Religion has been the source of evil since its inception and hundreds of millions of people have been killed in its name. And that trend will continue in the future. We have all watched how Jews kill Muslims for decades, Muslims and Christians kill each other, Hindus kill Muslims, and this spiral of evil never changes its direction or stops. This is actually where we come to the answer that religion does not bring peace and happiness to humanity, but constant destruction, hatred, killing, and division. It is as if someone unknown to us invented it and installed it among humanity so that humanity can never be united and unique in its path. The Bosnian ‘Bogumili’ called the Torah the devil's book, the work of Satan, and they were right because it was from Judaism, through Christianity to Islam, that the eternal seeds of evil were sown.

    Today, when the whole world is watching with disbelief the brutal military aggression of the terrorist country Russia against Ukraine, it is difficult not to ask ourselves what kind of world we live in. Each of us has at least once wondered how it is possible that Russia, as the largest country in the world, has any need to seize other people's territories when either way, there is 80 percent of Russia that is desolate and uninhabited. Are the Russians really the heirs of Nazi Germany? Of course, it should be emphasized right away that Angela Merkel and other European politicians who, for their gain, tolerated every stupidity of Vladimir Putin are largely to blame for this military aggression against Ukraine. We experienced an identical situation in the last century with Slobodan Milošević. All this is the best proof that no tyrant should be tolerated either because of regional influence or because of oil or gas. This is precisely why the USA should stop protecting Saudi Arabia, which is committing terrible crimes in Yemen because whoever protects criminals is a criminal himself. Also, they should stop protecting Israel because it is a nation that carries out ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Palestinians. We all know that the mother of all military conflicts in today's world, after the end of the Second World War, is an artificial creation called Israel, which, with the permission of the EU and the USA, has been allowed to carry out ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Palestinian people for decades.

    All the dictators of the world, when they see that Israel goes unpunished for all the evils it does to the Palestinian people and other countries, become inspired by it and then new wars and killings occur. Vladimir Putin followed Israel's example. He will kill, steal other people's territory, play the victim when necessary, and also play the victor when it suits him. It's all copy-paste politics and Israel's way of existence. It is interesting how all genocides begin with the same rhetoric, which is based on the fact that the people who plan to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide call the other people, who plan to attack, various ugly names and deprive them of the concept of nationality: they do not exist as a nation. Ideal examples are Bosnia and Palestine, and for the last few years, we have been hearing the same thing from Russia, which does not recognize Ukraine as a state and Ukrainians as a nation. Today's Serbia uses identical rhetoric for Montenegro and its people. These are truly horrible facts and terrible reality.

    Iran, Russia, China, and other arrogant countries are constantly calling for a multipolar world, but in fact we as humans do not need any multipolar world, but only a world where the sovereignty of each state and nation is respected, where no one has the right to attack another country or its people. A world where religion should not be more important than human life. It is better to demolish thousands of mosques, churches, and synagogues than to kill one man. When the "believers" understand this, let love into their hearts and reason into their minds, then there is a chance that the Earth will not be hell but heaven.

    And finally, let's all support the Iranian people and their desire for freedom. Let's support every Iranian woman who doesn't want to be dressed like a Japanese ninja. Iranian women are among the most beautiful in the Middle East and deserve to show their beauty and intelligence to the whole world. It is always a better option for the Islamic Republic of Iran to fail than for the Iranian people as a nation to fail. Without a doubt, one should always put the life and value of a human being before any religion, because man must come first. Because if there were no people, there would be no religion. Everything starts with the man.

    Arman, Sarajka and Avril like this post

      Danas je Sun Nov 17, 2024 5:17 pm